Tuesday, March 17, 2009

magically cured...almost

I guess I am lucky on St. Patrick's Day (I'm not sure if I have any Irish blood) because today is the first day that I woke up without aches. I still have a cold, but I can handle that. Plus, someone has to take care of the last people sick in the house - both my husband and today, my two year old. We have all had it now and let's hope that round two doesn't exist. I made another spring wreath last week and I liked it better than the first one, so it went up in its place. It probably looks the exact same as the first, but I added some mini rick rack and a few more chicks. I am making a few more. They're a bit quirky, but they really do brighten up my front room because of the pretty spring colors.


  1. Hooray! And cute wreath.
    (btw, my word verification is "parent". haah, yes, yes, you are very much a parent in this post....caring for everyone)

  2. Very cute wreath! It shouts springtime. Jackie

  3. Wow, so happy I found your site today by way of Nannygoat. I'm only 3 posts in and I'm in love already. Plus, it looks as if we have tons in common. My name is Stacy and growing up everyone always called me Stacymae - wondering if you have a similar nickname? Can't wait to subscribe so I can get updated on all of your posts. Hope you don't mind if I link back to a few of your in my upcoming Spring crafts post.

    See you around
