Saturday, April 11, 2009

for good measure

One more. I think I am done sewing her these dresses for now. I will wait and save the rest of my husband's discarded shirts until she needs a size 3. Then, I am sure that I will be sewing many again. This one I really like. I keep saying that about all of them. I think the daddy daughter thing has a lot to do with it because this one and the last one were two shirts that my husband wore a lot. So, seeing her in it makes me smile. I made the sleeves like the last few shirts I have sewn with the ruffle on the end with the elastic gathering above that. I added the matching fabric band to the bottom because I wanted to add a bit of length so maybe this one can last until next summer. Overall, this upcycling project really gives you a great dress with so little effort. Love it.


  1. LOVE it!
    and she looks super adorable in it!

  2. What an adorable dress!!! And great idea! Do you have a tutorial on this or did you find it somewhere? I would love to make a few for my twin daughters.

  3. What a perfect little Easter dress:)

  4. Traci- this one is my absolute favorite. I love the added strip on the bottom. It really ties the whole thing together! Great job- so cute!!

  5. Holy cow Traci, you're amazing! SO cute. Couldn't find that at a yard sale....

  6. I love this one too! I adore the trim on the bottom! Have a great weekend and thanks again for sporting my button - it looks great :)

  7. Could your baby be any cuter??!! :) Love the dress! Happy Easter!

  8. More fun twists! I like the idea of a ruffle on the edge of the sleeve and fun to add a matching hem on the bottom. Oh, it's so addicting....
