Thursday, September 27, 2012

new charms, a new business and my specialty

So it turns out that blogging isn't my specialty.  I thought that once all of my kids were in school, that might change.  I guess I am better at making things in my pajamas during the day rather than writing about them. Hence, the intermittent radio silence over the last few years! 

But, here are a few charms that I have been working on over the past couple of weeks:

But, I still enjoy popping in to say hello although I am aware that there might not be many out there to say hello back.  So, as long as you (or even I) take me as I am, I am okay with my pace.  So, I will be here documenting my new soldered jewelry and a few other projects when I can.  

Here's something else that I have been up to lately...

 I have started a new business to go along with amazing mae charms - amazing mae signs:

  etsy shop coming soon!


  1. the charms are lovely, I'd love to know how they're made

  2. I was thinking about that last night-- it's hard to do both, have a business and have a blog... probably why my business it's really "booming now"... I think I'm better at the blogging part than the making part- must be why we are such good friends :)- makes for a nice balance...

    Congrats on your success yesterday! It was hard earned and well deserved!

  3. We'll love your posts anytime they come---and your charms are delightful! (I love my necklace so much....)

  4. Thank you for still posting! We are still out here. Post when you can, we enjoy it! Beautiful new charms too!
