Monday, March 29, 2010

recycled magazine envelopes

When I was 16, I visited my sister up at college and her roommate was making envelopes out of magazines. She helped me make some and I was hooked. I had a few pen pals in high school from all over Europe and an exchange student in Australia that I liked to write. I also made a lot of these to write to a few missionary boys from our church! I used to be a writer in my day, but of course, have since turned to email. These are so simple to make and I am aware that I am not showing anything new or something you haven't seen. I just wanted to remind myself and any of you who are interested that these envelopes are super cute and a great way to recycle those Martha Stewart or any other beautiful magazine when you have finished with them.

You can use one of the pre made templates from any scrapbooking store or take apart an envelope, trace it on to light cardboard (poster board) and make your own template. Just trace the template directly on to the magazine page with a Sharpie and cut it out. Fold the top, bottom and sides in and then glue accordingly. Easy.


  1. I made these in college, too, but mine were never as beautiful as yours! I'll have to give it another try with more of an eye for aesthetics. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Oh my goodness! I'm completely in love!!

    I was just looking at some old Anthropologie catalogues the other day, trying to find a reason to justify keeping them around. But I'm totally going to turn some pages into these.

    Great idea!! And lovely photos! :)

  3. Cute!
    I use magazines paper as wrappers to wrap storage boxes. Save money and good for environment too.

  4. I do love these and in fact I think I have a few letters from you with envelopes just like these... ahh the good old days when we all wrote letters instead of emails or messages on Facebook ♥

  5. ....loving this post. Thanks so much for such a good idea.... and a good reminder that a handwritten letter in a pretty envelope, is really special....still.

  6. My sister and I used to do this all the time too! But we used to cut out the cute guys from the jcrew catalog and send those :)

  7. Thanks for the reminder of a fun idea!

  8. LOVE this idea. Thanks for posting it!

  9. Beautiful! Will definitely try this out!

  10. They're gorgeous! I do have a stack of magazines that I won't chuck out because of the beautiful photo spreads...this might be the answer!

  11. I am laughing because I think I still have some of your self made envelopes from our pen pal days! I'll have to look!

  12. What a great idea for my kids, too, so I don't have to give them more expensive store bought envelopes for their "cards" and "presents" to each other! Thanks!

  13. my roomie and i made these in college too! we always took our old five-star notebooks from the previous semester, and made our template from the front plastic cover. that way it could get used over and over and never got bent!

  14. Those are so pretty! Thanks so much for posting this, I'll be linking.

  15. your idea make me crazy!!
    you're so talented..
    thanks you for sharing...


  16. Love 'em! Made my own and blogged about it:

    Must go hunt out more used magazines!

  17. I'd forgotten about this! Love the idea by another reader to make them from anthro catalogs--i hate recycling those!
    I'll have to show my daughter how to make these--she'll love them.

  18. I'd forgotten about this! Love the idea by another reader to make them from anthro catalogs--i hate recycling those!
    I'll have to show my daughter how to make these--she'll love them.

  19. What a terrific idea! I never saw these before!

  20. Mae, you're amazing! I love this! I don't want to lose the link, and wanted to share with others too for Mothers Day this year, so it's featured it in a roundup of my favorite DIY Mothers Day gifts, here:

    Mother Lode
