Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Do you want to know the truth? The truth is - my daughter won't wear anything I make for her. It's true. It's been since last Fall. Suddenly, she stopped and said no to anything handmade and went for her Princess, Minnie Mouse, and Dora shirts and dresses. She won't even wear hair bows and headbands. And, if you knew what happened last fall you would know that she really could use a few! I could blame it on my seamstress skills, but she's not that picky. I think I will blame it on our trip to Disney World in October (therefor a new love of Princesses) and the fact that she is the youngest of 4 and knows too much too soon. Why? I had three boys who don't really need for me or want me to sew much for them. When I had Mallory, that's when I really started to try things. I don't spend more than 10 minutes a week upstairs in my craft room. I can make jewelry downstairs and I have been doing that more lately. I sit upstairs and try to be inspired, but you know how it is...the more you do - the more the creative juices flow. So, I guess that means, if you aren't doing much, they might not flow at all! Will she grow out of this? I hope so. Are there other reasons to sew? Of course. I just need to get some juices moving again. Here are some tutorials that I hope to win my daughter over with -

- Lil Blue Boo's Border Fabric Sundress Tutorial

- The Pearl Bee's Rose Barrettes

- Simply Modern Mom's Retro Ruffle Dress Pillowcase Dress

- Calico's Easy Headband Tutorial

- Make It and Love It's Girls Ruffle Front Shirt Tutorial

Do you have any other awesome tutorials to suggest? I know I don't just sew because I have a girl, but it was a bit more fun - especially when she needed things like shorts, dresses, etc. and I could pick out at a pattern and make them for her. I just thought my window to make things for her would be a bit bigger!!!


Unknown said...

Bummer for you! My daughter is 7 and thinks that the clothes I make for her a awesome and as she says "more special too, because you made them!" God bless her! I have no idea how long that will last- I hope forever!

Anna said...

that stinks! My oldest is the same way (she's just about 4). She likes to tell me what things I should have changed and always asks me to add pockets to things. But every once in a while she'll like something, so I'll keep trying. THe beauty of it is at least her little sister might wear some of the stuff when she's older. :P

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for featuring me! my daughters are the same way. there are very few things they fall in love with from the things i made them. and it's usually the stuff that didn't turn out so well.

SunShineyRain said...

My 6 year old did the same thing. I started letting her pick out fabric for me to make things for "other people" like her cousin and friends(who beg me to sew for them)she got a little jealous(it took a couple of projects before she caved)and now she ask me to make her new dresses and is thrilled to say "my mom made it" don't give up, she will come around.

Anonymous said...

My fourth is also my only girl! She will still wear most of what I sew for her, but she is getting pickier. It helps if she picks (or *thinks* she is picking) the pattern or design elements.

But lately I've been sewing for myself which is also a lot of fun AND I never play in the mud with my brand new dresses. lol.

Mandy Beyeler said...

yeah, I know that I sew stuff for my girls mainly for me (the fun of it) and not for them! Mandy,

Tiffany said...

Good Luck you have some great choices here. Here's one I hope to try someday before my daughter dumps me.

Darla said...

I have a confession to make, too. My daughter really likes when I make her things, but that's because it's the only way she gets new clothes. Otherwise it's a trip to the resale shop or hand-me-downs from friends. It's a bit frustrating, but I have four children and we've made some sacrifices so I can continue to stay at home, so it's worth it I suppose. And I find it really hard to buy her things when I can make the same thing for so much cheaper. Lol, I tell myself we're just being "green." Anyway, sometimes we'll find things in stores she likes and then we go to the fabric store and she picks out the fabric to make them. It's kind of fun. Here's a skirt I copied from one at Gymboree: (that one's easy to figure out) and here's a copy of a dress I saw at Target that I made a tutorial for:

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

hmmm...maybe you should make her a crown t-shirt? you know cute applique with sequins all over it??
this presents a fun little challenge, I'm going to start thinking..
didn't you say she likes to twirl? maybe a super full twirly skirt?

Delia said...

I get this in a way. I like photography. My kids would rather I not. They went from camera hog to camera hater right before I hit my year mark of having my dSLR. I guess I was in their face with the camera too much. Now I try to take pictures of other things and when they see me do this, sometimes my oldest will ask me to take one of him. Sometimes. :)

amy said...

Your daughter may come around and be excited to have you make things for her again. Mine did. Problem was that by that time I did not have as much time to sew for her.

Karyn said...

Awww Traci I am sure before too long Mallory will be begging you to make her things.

Spencer is always asking me what I am making and is very supportive by saying "that's a pretty necklace mummy". He does try them on (at his insistence) when they are finished but not sure how keen he'd be to wear one for a whole day!

The clothes you create are adorable - they always make me wish I had a little girl of my own!


Stacie.Make.Do. said...

Kids can be so contrary sometimes. When I was young I did the same picky thing to my poor mother. But I came around! So take heart.

If you don't object to the Disney/Dora look, maybe try Filth Wizardry's technique for iron-on decals from plastic bags. You could put her favorite characters onto your homemade items.

Good luck!

Cheryl said...

Sweet little Mallory. She is too young to realize how beautiful the clothes you make for her are. I mean, these clothes will stand the test of time and look adorable in 10 years. Dora silk screened t-shirt? Not so much.

I love how you titled the post confessions. It really drew me in!

You've been so busy. I LOVED all the photos of CA on your other blog. I was totally jealous of the ones at Disneyland and the beach. We haven't been anywhere for so long, so I hope Florida works out this fall with Rich's folks. The girls just need to meet all those princesses they talk about every day!

Happy Mother's Day tomorrow to one of the sweetest, funniest, best moms in the world.

Love you!

Sascha said...

Ouch. I dread that day. It's coming very soon. I'll tell you when. It'll be the first time a classmate finds out it's home made and is feeling a leetle bit pissy. That'll be the end of this run.

cleo [cleo at dot za] said...

DONT WORRY! My son MIguel (5) will not wear anything I make even his appliqued t-shirts that he requests.. he gives them away to his friends!

SO now I sew my goodies for 2 local aids orphan childrens homes instead. Atleast they are used!

Good luck!

Karyn said...

Hey Traci

Be sure to drop by my blog as I have left something special for you there.

Karyn ♥

Unknown said...

Just wanted to let you know that I featured you today :) Come on over and link up to M.M.M.!