Soldering. I love it, but it's hard. I have been trying it, along with my mother in law(we split the supplies), for several months now and I think there's a big learning curve (at least for me). I do see progress, though. As much as I say that I am not that great at it, I have still given my soldered pendants as gifts!!! I orginally bought my instructions from You Can Make This. And, those were a great start, but I have been reading tips and tricks on the internet for the last few days to help me figure out some things that I am just having a hard time with. I will say that I do love it even if it has been painful. I think I expect perfection and then I go and look at the ones I have purchased in the past and realize that they can look a little more "hand made" than perfect. So, if you have any tips or tricks for me, pass them on. In the meantime, I am just soldering away over here looking to improve.
I have not tried it, but that is because, you get to figure it out for me ha ha ha ha ha hahah (evil laugh)....
I think that one looks perfect... oh- figure it out before Christmas time -k-? *wink*
I actually took a class on how to make soldered charm pendants and totally loved it, although never bought the supplies. It was a little frustrating because I guess soldering is not quite as forgiving as sewing is, right? I love the pendants I made, and they are even double sided so I just switch them depending on the mood I'm in or the outfit I'm wearing. Funny, because one of the pendants I made had an A for my first name. Have you seen the copper foil that has a wavy edge? It creates the neatest effect and is a "little" more forgiving than the straight edge. OK, enough rambling. I think it looks great!!
Looks awesome! Soldering is on my to do list. I even already have a kit and book...just haven't gotten up the nerve to try it yet:( I would love to get on it so that I could make some Christmas gifts. You have inspired me...maybe I will try!
You are amazing. Everything you do looks great. Kudos to you for trying new things.
I have made a lot of these (over 1,340 to date.) There is a really learning curve and I feel that I am still striving for perfection, but I have learned a lot about what works and what does not. I put mini paintings in mine. If you have specific questions I would be more than happy to help. If you want to see my latest ones search "mermaid witch pendant" on eBay and it should pop up.
I haven't tried soldering yet, but really want to. Ugh, sounds a bit tricky. We shall see! Cheers, Julie
Oh!Oh!Oh! I've had all of the supplies for a year now but am too intimidated to try it..... the local class cost $270 so I'm convinced I can find a you tube video to learn from... Can't wait to read all the comments to your post to get some direction. LOVE the pendeant you have made!
$270!!!??? Wow. Well if anyone is in the Salt Lake Area and is dying to learn how to make these I make them at least once a week and you are more than welcome to come watch. I don't believe that people should charge excruciating amounts of money to share their talents.
I guess that is one reason why I like this blog. :)
Mary, you can find directions on line for free or for a nominal fee that would be way better than a $270 class. And, what I am finding is that once you get the instructions, it just takes practice to get better. I hope you do it.
okay - i have been DYING to try make these but am so clueless on where to start and what to buy. so dish!! where is the best place for me to start - because I really really want to make my own!! yours look fantastic, by the way!!
Hi there! I just found your blog through The Creative Crate. How cute is your place here? I love it!
I started soldering last weekend. Do you have any tips you can give me? It is so much harder than I could have imagined. I have probably spent about 10 hours working on it so far and my pendants are not looking too great. I am having a hard time getting the solder smooth. I would so appreciate any thoughts or advice that you could give me!! Thanks so much!!
Camille i would love to watch you make a few...how do i get in touch with you? i live in Heber but I am willing to come to SLC :)
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