Wednesday, September 9, 2009

i just need to clean the craft room floor

I can't seem to get in the crafting/sewing groove. I think it has something to do with the fact that you can't see the floor in my craft room or the tops of the tables. I was going to take a photo of it today, but then I started cleaning before I got my camera out and decided it didn't look as bad -hence no more excuse for my lack of getting anything done.
As I was picking up my books from one of the shelves that my two year old decided to climb the other day and ended up destroying, I saw my Ed Emberely's Big Orange Drawing Book. I love this book. It brings back so many elementary school memories because we always made thumb print pictures at Halloween. I think I may even have made this skeleton from the book (found here at his website along with other great projects for Halloween) and I need to find him. Anyways, I am getting this book down stairs and getting my kids to make a few as Fall starts to creep upon us.


Crafty Girls Workshop said...

I remember that book too! Or at least the thumbprint birds we used to make. Thanks for sharing.


Julie said...

His books are the best for teaching drawing techniques.

Sharon-The OKI StampQueen said...

Craft room floor? What's that?! Table top work space? Oh, that thing I kinda give a big heave=ho to to make a 6"x6" space to stamp on? Lol! Craft room is always last space to get my attention-and needs it the worst! Trick? Set a timer for 15 mins.---do what you can (you'll be amazed how much you can clear up racing against the clock!) Set it again and work on another part...) Before you know it---you can at least see the aforementioned sufaces! Lol. Blessings, Sharon

Amy said...

Oh my gosh! I totally started drawing with this book. I'm hoping I have come a long way but ahhhh the memories! I can't believe you found it. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

oh! I'm glad you posted this. I might get to do some class projects with my son's 1st grade and this might be a good one sometime this year!