So, what I mean to tell you is that my friend and I are opening an esty shop called May and Mae very soon. Her new logo for all the amazing things that she makes is called

I love this logo and my little old stuff will have the amazing mae tag on it. So, together we are May and Mae. I am sending you over to her blog to read more about it since she wrote about it so nicely. I will be putting just a few things here and there since I can't stay on one project long enough to make more than a few. And, although I am a bit slow at mentioning it, I am so happy to have a friend that inspires me and gets me motivated to create!
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Congrats! That is too cool and please keep us all in the loop. I can already tell it will be a success from the type and style of the content on this blog. Rootin for May and Mae!
Grace Hester Designs
Silhouette- and typography-based artwork and prints
Traci! How exciting!!! Very cute name.
How exciting!
Wow! Congrats, can't wait to see all the goodies!
I'm thrilled you and Melissa are going to do this adventure. I gain so much inspiration from both of you, it's going to see what "amazing" things you come up with together. Can't wait!
Wow! How fun!! Can't wait to see it all come together :D
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