One of the big reasons I have posted less this past few months is because we have been helping my mother in law move out of her house. This has been a huge undertaking. She has been really good at saving just about everything from letters written by her grandparents to every single award my lovely husband ever earned as a child. There was a ton of cleaning out. With this event came a lot of good for everyone in the family. She shared with everyone and really was extremely generous as she tried to shed herself of all the things she had collected. I inherited so much vintage fabric, vintage wrapping paper (you know the kind that came in square sheets), cards, and Christmas ornaments. So, a few of the ornaments are little vintage elves and I LOVE THEM. They fit right in with my red tree theme and I thought I would show them to you. They look like smaller versions of
The Elf on the Shelf!
we had those EXACT same elves growing up!! Wow that brings back memories. He sat in our tree and "watched" us to make sure we were being good...
Oh! We have one of those elves on our tree! Our elderly neighbor gave it to us last year at Christmas. I love it!
Love those elves. They totally remind me of my Grandma's house!
Those elves sure are cute! :)
Those elves bring back memories - we had those when i was a kid - in fact i still have one now on my tree as an adult. Love them.
Oh my! I have those same elves. We had them growing up in the 60's and I inherited them. I love them!
We had them too. A whole village. I would always play with them before they were hung like barbies. Create little stories.
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