I sent my kids back to school today. I feel like we are on a year round schedule because they are starting so early this year. Summer was just picking up speed and then it came to a crashing halt as we hurried up and put them back in school. I am a bit sad today. Yes, of course I like to get my "me" time that comes much easier when they are in school, but I really was having fun with them. I feel like I get so little time with them and especially lately, they are seeming so grown up. It's this little guy's birthday today and he is 5. He could have started kindergarten today, but we decided to wait until next year for so many reasons. As I looked at him from across the table when he was blowing the candles out on his birthday cake, I could not imagine him on that long hot bus ride today with his older brothers. We have all day kindergarten and wow, it's just so long for a little guy. But, this little guy, his sister, and I will have fun together this year while their older brothers are at school. I can just feel it. So, as the dust settles from a short, but fun summer and we start to get more in to a routine, I do look forward to some sewing time. I got some great fabric on my vacation to Utah. I also cut out a great bag that I want to sew up quickly. I had fun just being away and especially seeing my kids loving their cousins. That's always the best part of any trip. We just live too far away from all the cousins. Hopefully, I will have some projects to show soon.
Happy birthday to your Little! I'm 30 years (to the day!) his senior. I'd rather be turning five again. ;0)
I love 5. My son is 6. I am not loving 6 as much. But that's just a momma talking at the end of a long hot summer day. We have 10 days left in our summer. I was hoping they'd be fun packed, but so far just errand packed!
Awww they start so early! :(
Traci...beautiful picture! Your skills have improved :). His eyes are gorgeous. I'm glad you had a nice vacation away. And I'm happy you get your little guy for one more year.
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