I over purchased just a bit on fabric, craft supplies and even thrifting over the winter. Can you ever thrift too much? Well, I did. I would go in for just one thing and then end up with way more. So, my new spring resolution has me just using what I have. It started with the shirt dresses and now I am trying to do it with many more projects. I found this half cut pillow case (I'm not sure what I did with the top half) in my garbage bag (where I keep all my scraps) and saw a skirt. Now, I didn't want to make it to fit the girl now since I think she is all set for a bit, but I did want something to grow in to. I think this skirt will fit her when she is about 4, perhaps 5. A little bit of a long wait, but worth it. I just gathered the top of the skirt with a long running stitch and attached the top waist band to the gathered top. I made the elastic a bit loose, so I can readjust it when she does get older and perhaps is a bit smaller than I anticipated. That was easier than kicking myself for making it too small. And, as usual, I added a small applique of a bird. Necessary? You decide!