I sent this outfit along with the blanket to the expecting mom. I just embellished a little pair of Old Navy jersey knit pants and a long sleeved onesie. I got the pattern for the elephant from martha stewart here.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
this outfit went with the blanket
I sent this outfit along with the blanket to the expecting mom. I just embellished a little pair of Old Navy jersey knit pants and a long sleeved onesie. I got the pattern for the elephant from martha stewart here.
Monday, July 27, 2009
simple baby blanket

This is for a baby boy that is due very soon. I made my first baby blanket like this when my friend who is due with this baby boy had a set of girl twins about 3 1/2 years ago. I got to use some bright pink flannels and polka dots. I like this blanket because I can make it in a day and l love to see how each of the different fabrics fray. I used a stripy quilters cotton that I have been saving for the perfect boy project (this was it), some flannel, and some soft gray corduroy. I made my strips anywhere from 3" wide (by 32") up to 8" wide. My mom made a great tutorial for this blanket on her blog here that I refer to when I forget the dimensions and need a refresher!
Friday, July 24, 2009
slowly growing

Just a quick update on our tomatoes plants that we are growing in buckets that I wrote about in this post. They are all doing great and the cherry tomatoes are ripe and ready for picking. The others are growing slowly, but surly. It's been nice watching the progress of these and all the while knowing how easy they were to plant. The cherry tomatoes are growing down so low that it's like a little tomato vending machine for my four year old who loves them. My friends that are already getting their tomatoes from their gardens are sharing and since ours might be awhile, we can share when theirs have come and gone.
Monday, July 20, 2009
greetings from

This was such a needed two week vacation. I forget how much I love this place, but especially how much I miss my family. Kentucky and San Diego are just too far apart. I wish we could squeeze these two places closer together. I am just enjoying the time I do have. We are heading home Wednesday. I am sure I will sit in my sewing room and be excited to start some new great projects because on this trip the only creative things I have done have been making lunches and deciding what our plans are for the day. It's been a fun change of pace. Some of the highlights from this trip:
- Eating here, here, and here.
- Taking a class for this.
- Having my friend and her kids with us the first week.
- Peanut butter shakes from here and Slurpees from here.
- Dinner and swimming with my family (the extended family) here.
- Meeting up with dear friends at the beach.
- Seeing this and one of these games all in one day. Poor team! Still love them though.
- Taking the ferry to here so that we could ride bikes.
- Visiting this world famous place.
- Touring this and being just amazed.
- Lots of swimming in my parent's pool and lots of great visits with cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents.
I am grateful for my family and friends and for the fun times we had together. We have one more trip planned at the end of the month and when we get back from that one - I am talking a day or two - school will start. A little bit of a whirlwind, but totally worth it!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
tutorial contest
Shannon over at luvinthemommyhood is having a fun contest while she is on vacation. You can vote for your favorite tutorial in several categories. The linen ruffled skirt is over there and you don't have to vote for it, but you should check out the other tutorials in all the categories because there are some pretty darn cool things to add to you "to do" lists! Just what we need more "to dos," but if they are fun, they will be well worth adding. That bubble dress is worth adding. We are off for a 2 week vacation to the grandparent's house. I am looking forward to the swimming pool and the beach close by. I can make it on the 6- 7 hour flight with my four kids by myself. I always make it - the condition that I arrive in is just debatable! Check out the button on my side bar to see all the great tutes. And, thanks to those who have left comments on this skirt post. I have been wearing mine this summer with success - it didn't fall down yet!
Friday, July 3, 2009
i need deadlines
I am finding out that you can't just tell me "whenever" when it comes to a time when you want something done from me. I need deadlines people. I tend to do what I want and work on whatever I want if I don't have a finish line for projects. I have had several things on my ULTIMATE TO DO LIST. You know, the one by the side of my bed that I keep making each night or week that has some of the same things on it for months. Well, this week I am finally getting all of those things done. I think. I am leaving on vacation next week to the west coast and I am making this my own deadline to finish projects. I have had these t-shirts on that ultimate to do list (embarrassingly) for at least 6 months. But, it was a favor and I always thought that I would get to it soon. Yesterday was the day and now I can proudly look in my friend's eyes when I see her at church each week because I got these BOYS ROCK shirts done for her 2 boys. I took so long that I had to go and buy a new t-shirt for the youngest since she gave me a 6-9 month onesie and now he needs a 12 month shirt. That tells you how long I took. I promise I am good with timing for birthdays and other occasions, but you see, those are all deadlines. I guess I need a bit of structure to get me to follow through. So, if you ever want me to do something, just tell me by a certain date, and it will be done. Don't say, "whenever!"
*the guitars are appliqued with felt and the BOYS ROCK is a freezer paper stencil.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
just a few things
- I got a new stamp for future? etsy sales. I got it from a great stamp maker on etsy - terbearco. She has some of the best stamps I have seen and at such great prices.
- Made a few more clothespin dolls and some stationary. Sorry gift recipients, but these are my favorites right now, so that's what you will probably be receiving.