At the time I appliqued on these tank tops, it really was beginning to feel like summer. Now, we are being flooded with non stop rain and thunder storms (that keep us up all through the night). But, as it was feeling nice and warm, I pulled a few tank tops out of my daughter's closet and had her pick a few things to applique on them. She chose the flamingo and an ice cream cone. If I would have had a third tank, there would have been a unicorn as well. Next time. She had a friend over the other day and as dress up, Mallory asked her friend to wear her new tank tops with her along with her tulle skirts from Costco.

The appliques are adorable. So glad you are safe from the flooding. I have been thinking of you and Melissa.
We are playing phone tag girl! Love chatting with the 'T-man'. He sounds so OLD! Where did our babies go?
So, love the Derby party invite and I think we can make it. Rich is probably going to fly out to San Fran for a funeral of a close Stanford friend on Thursday night and it taking the red back and will get in on Saturday morning. I still think we can swing it. I'm also thinking Julie and her crew will be there too. That would be fun. I just don't think I can come down for the lunch on Wednesday, not with my no carseat loving baby boy. Very excited about Derby, especially since Thunder was such a bust.
Need to talk to you! I'm missing you!
You must not be far from me. If I have to hit the button on my weather radio one more time to stop the alarm, I may go crazy! Love the tanks and tutus! :)
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