When your daughter is constantly wearing her brothers' aprons (which they rarely wear), it is time to make one for her. It was probably time a long time ago, but better later than never. I made her this quick two sided apron as a Valentine's Day gift. I just traced one that I had bought for her brother Gage and used that as the pattern. 

One side is a pink and yellow Moda fabric which I added a pink polka dot pocket to so that she can carry her whisk and spatula.
The other side is a vintage looking green fabric from Darlene Zimmerman that has animals on it. I added her initial "M" to that side.
She wore it that night and later asked, "Where did you buy this apron for me, mom?" I told her that I made it and she said, "You know how to make these?" I guess she forgets that I sew!
Mom made one for each of my children a while back and at the time I thought it was something that was not going to be use much but boy was I wrong? My second youngest daugther bakes and with her the small children too, their aprons always on them. Such a handy piece of chothing!
Yours is very pretty!
So funny. I'm glad she has her own pretty apron. :)
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