I have finally been sewing again. I easily find other things to do and then when I get back to sewing, it feels so good. I am still waiting for the day when my lines look a little straighter, but in the mean time, I will be satisfied with the seams staying together! I made a reversible apron for my friend's birthday. I followed the dimensions for the apron from one found in this book . I love the lines, but I didn't like where the waist fell. The ties were a bit low. So, next time I will have to alter it a bit. I still like the colors of the fabric though.
I have a friend that grew up down the street from me. We walked to school every day together and got in to trouble together too. She was my best friend all through school. She told me that her daughter would love an apron and she was a girly girl who liked pink. So, I tried to make the girliest apron I could. For me, that doesn't mean that it is going to be extremely girly, because that is just too much. I had to add brown to balance out all of the pink. I like the way it turned out and I think I will put the dimensions of the pattern on here soon because it was fun to figure out. It's reversible - cupcake on one side and the initial P for Paige on the other.
Also, I picked up a couple of cool things to keep the creative juices flowing. I got the wavy Fiskars fabric shears to use when I make my banners. I wanted the scalloped ones, but everyone is sold out or doesn't sell them anymore. That might have to be an ebay find for me.

Then, I saw this book at JoAnn's last night. I had seen a few glimpses of it on other blogs and picked it up because really, it is beautiful to look at. I didn't look too deep because I wanted to save some of the looking for later when I need a pick me up. I do that. I skim over my magazines and books so that I can go back later and really dig when I need a creative outlet.