It's 9 pm and it feels like midnight (too many late nights with projects and such). It's spring and it doesn't feel like the winter (besides the sound of rain outside), but I needed a hot chocolate for a treat. Pretty soon it will be too darn hot and I need (yes it is a need) to finish the box. Plus, I am addicted to Redi Whip and I had to have something to put it on. I don't always - sometimes a squirt in my mouth is enough. Is that bad? I guess it could be like drinking the milk out of the jug, but I will have to live with that bad habbit. Plus, around 3 or 4 pm when I need a burst of sugar, it does the job and it's actually not that bad for you. I put together a flickr tag that has most of the crafts that I have done since January and I went over my monthly limit with the photo uploading, so I will have to wait awhile to put the rest on. But, I guess what I am thinking about it is the fact that I am trying to decide why I blog about my projects. I don't think there are too many people out there listening, so I guess I do it for my own record. I think I do it because I like to see some progress and have some accountablity. Plus, someday I would like to put together some sets of embroidery patterns with children's themes and alphabet sets that have a few images with each letter and a few words plus a few renditions of the letter itself. I haven't come very far with these other than doodles and a list of things I could draw for each letter of the alphabet. I don't know how to get the drawings printed on heat transparency paper or if I should just sell them (who knows- I'll probably give them away) as PDF files. So, I continue to think. Hopefully, the hot chocolate will help and if it doesn't, then it sure tastes good along the way.
I cannot wait to see you upcoming projects!
Remember when you came home to visit and every night you would fix me white hot chocolate? Yummmmm!
for what it's worth, I love seeing your projects and finding out what you're up to. =) You inspire me!!
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