Do you know me well enough to know that I didn't pick three? Maybe some of you are new and you are finding out that I can't just pick one, two, or three winners. I decided since I bought a mailer pack with ten bubble mailers, that I was picking ten winners. So, I went to random.org and put in my integers and got 10 winners! There is a slight glitch and I will figure it out - with ten winners, there are many of the winners that like the same colors, but I will get it worked out by the time you all send me your mailing addresses. So, here they are:
#13 (my lucky number) - Bobi
#18 - Heather
#9 - Barbara
#5 - Kara (I couldn't put the link because it's a private blog)
#31 - Summer
#30 - Wills and Tessa
#22 - blairsblog 6
#7 - Erin Marie
#11 - Laurie - no blog (or private!)
#1 - Mandee
Okay, now that you winners know who you are, email me at - traciu73atyahoodotcom and send me your mailing addresses. I am looking forward to sending these out!
*This may be too much information when all you want to know is if you are getting one of these, but...I make these following this tutorial at j.caroline. I do make them 11 inches instead of 10 inches like she suggests. I just think they need just a little more room to get them over your fist. I might have big hands. Also, my friend made these and did an awesome thing. She attached a magnetic snap to the end of fob and then attached the other snap to the inside of her tote bag. That way, she could just snap it in to her tote and not lose it. I loved that idea. I keep mine around my wrist while I shop so I can always know where my keys are. But, just some tidbits of knowledge here. Oh one last thing, I get my supplies (except for ribbon, rick rack, and Heat n' Bond) from ebay. Lots of sellers of fob hardware there and cotton webbing. You might end up with a ton of teal webbing, but you can make it work!
My heart leaped when I saw my name!!! Thank you so much, I'll be e-mailing you in a jiffy!
Oh. My. Gosh!
I am so happy- you just made my day! Yay!
Congrats to the winners!!!!!!
Yeah for me!! But, only call me Jessica. I am so excited...I gave my address to Betty today, but you can just give her my fabulous prize and not have to mail it..Whatever! Thanks so much. Hey, 13 is my lucky number too! See, we are so destined to be friends!
Thanks Traci--I'm excited!
Thank you Traci! I'm so excited, I usually just hold on to on of the rings, this will be so much nicer!
Received! Thanks again...now I'm trying to talk myself into making a men's-shirt-dress for my little one--yours are soooo cute!
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