So, I have made quite a few of these key fobs. I did buy the huge roll of the cotton webbing in this teal color from ebay and wanted to see if I could use it all. I only have a little left. Really, once you get on a roll (no pun intended), it's hard to stop. I was telling someone that I could keep this basket by my door and as friends left, they could take a key fob just for stopping by! Anyway, do you want one? I am giving away 3 of them. Just leave a comment by Friday, the 27th at 10pm est and I tell me which color you like and/or want. Then, I will pick three comments on Saturday morning and send them out. I really did have fun with all the polka dots and rick rack. I made one for myself that is red and white polka dot with turquoise rick rack. It's holding up so far, so leave a comment and maybe you could have one too!
*I think the only one you can't see in the photo that is not a duplicate is a kelly green and white polka dot with lime green rick rack.
I love the red/white polka dot with turqoise ric rac. So cute Traci! And I especially love the daddy polo dress below- it made me wish I had a little girl to make one for!
These are adorable! I love your blog; thanks for the opportunity to win your cute crafts!
These are great. They are all adorable but if I have to pick one combo, it would have to be the green polka dot with turquoise ric rac.
they look so cute - i love the blue, yellow and green stripe with turqouise ric rac or the green polka dot with pink ric rac - love them!
Adorable! love the blue stripey on with teal ric rac & also the pink polka dot with green ric rac! Thanks for sharing! been enjoying your blog for several weeks now!
These are so cute! I would love to win any one of them...the colors are so cheerful! Thanks for the opportunity!
Oooh, I want the pink one with green ricrac!!! It's too cute!
Cute! I've wanted to make one of these but never got the materials. Maybe I can win yours instead! I love the blue w/ dots and hot pink ric rac.
Love the red with white polka dots and tourquoise ricrac. So cute!
Look at how cute those are!! I always have trouble locating my keys in my massive purse -- this would help a ton! I like the green polka dot ribbon with the hot pink rick rack...but ANY of them would be thrilling to win!!
I love the red/white dots with teal ric rac, Thanks for the chance!
I am in love with all your crafts and wish I was as crafty and imaginative as you.
I love green and pink together so I would love to possibly win one with those two colors. I stumbled upon your blog about a week ago and am amazed at your creativity. Love checking out your stuff.
I know I already have one but I must enter... I could change them with my moods LOL!!
Oh i love stocking your blog! I've never had one of these but would love to have one!
Oh! I LOVE these!!! Polkadots are SO awesome!
I love the red and pink one!!! So cute!! Thanks!!
Well, I never win but just in case. I love the pink and green ones :)
The green with white dots and turquoise ric rak is my fave; it reminds me of the Earth.
I will be trying the Daddy's shirt dress next... I saved one long ago, with the intention of making something like that. Thanks!
I'm in a soft spring mood today so I would pick the one with a pale blue background, pale purple polka dots, and pale pink rick rack. Lovely!
oh i'd have to choose the all green key fob, even though it's not pictured, i'm sure it is awesome.
also i've been rummaging through all my husbands old shirts to make a dress for my little girl! what a fab idea! love your site!
I love all of them! You're awesome!
I love the green/white and pink.
so cute!
I totally need one of your bright cheery key fobs! I have the terrible bad habit of losing my keys almost everyday. Any of them would be eye catching enough to help me find my keys. Oooooooo pick me! Pick me!
(hand raised and jumping out of my seat:)
I really like the pink ribbon with white polkadots and red rick rack. So cute. They all are really cute.
I love the red with turquoise rick rack.
Love them! I like the green and pink ones! Good job!
Love these! They are so cute! I'm really liking the green & white polka dot with the blue rickrack. (Although anything with polka dots and rickrack is automatically fabulous, no matter what color!)
So fun!! I'm a pink girl, so anything with pink, but the red/white dot with turquoise ric rac does look awful cute!!
LOVE the green dots with pink rick rack...going home today to raid the craft drawer and try my own...thanks!
Green polka dots with pink rick rack. So cute...I love your ideas!
I like the green and pink one, or the purple and blue one. Cute stuff!
I love the one you already made me, but if I got to choose another one, I'd like the stripes with the blue rick rack.
Hi there! I do have one that is similar already- but I have had it for a couple of years, a friend of mine made it for me-- and I was just thinking recently that I would love to have a new fresh one! :)
I would be delighted with any that you have pictured, my favorite is the green polka ribbon w/ the hot pink ric rack. :) THANKS!!!!
I don't care the color. I love them!!!
Love the pink with the orange rick rack...they are all darling!
All right I love these red and white or the one with lite blue rick rack now I haven't won in the past but I am coming to visit so you would not have to mail it to me!!!
They look like a basket full of Easter eggs. I love the one that is pink and white polka dots with the green rick-rack.
You are amazing! I love the kelly green with pink ric rac!
Umm, I'm not too picky. I like them all!
Oh, I love them all!
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